With Thanksgiving over it’s time to kick myself back into gear.
I’ve been lazy over the past few days and sleeping in this morning put me behind the 8-ball on a couple of projects.
I’m certain many of you are experiencing the same “it’s Monday tomorrow already” syndrome, and trying to get yourselves into a frame of mind for a full work week.
I’m motivating myself with the thought that my competition didn’t rest, they worked Wednesday and Thursday sandwiching Thanksgiving with 10 hours days because they want to beat me.
My competition isn’t lamenting about a poor economy or the high cost of materials. They aren’t cutting back on smart advertising or changing their focus on ROI-driven campaigns.
My competition is looking around for growth opportunities and better strategies to gain market share and new customers.
I’m not being lazy, because my competition is out to get me. Every day.
Are you ready for Monday?