Customer Service / Online Marketing – One Rock at a Time

How to move mountains – eCommerce & eMarketing strategy for success!

I subscribe to a number of blog RSS feeds and force myself to at least glance at them before they’re more than 24 hrs old.

Having a commitment to review the ‘latest’ from a variety of sites is equivalent to reading a newspaper cover to cover in the ‘old’ days. This used to be a morning routine of mine.

Understanding we’re often too busy to fit everything we need to do into our days, why do I carve out 25 mins. of my day reading of 15-30 feeds?

The “gem”

At least once a week I find a nugget of knowledge that makes my life easier and (normally) saves me far more time than my reading schedule.

These gems improve my knowledge and by extension my value as an SEO resource.

As miners of yore know, you’ll never find a diamond if you’re not digging for it.

Knowledge gems are the same way. Make sure you’re looking, the gem will find you!